Thursday, November 13, 2014

Power Graham

disclaimer: I wrote this about 3 weeks ago, just never posted it. poor middle child

Did you forget we had other children?  I know you haven't gotten an update on anyone but Tessa, in oh, about eight months or so.  But Graham just turned THREE!  I can't believe it.

His big birthday theme this year was Power Rangers.  He has really been into them lately and started telling me months ago that he wanted a Power Ranger party. Do you know how hard it is to have a Power Ranger party for a three year old?  All of the pinterest ideas were to have Ninja games and courses, which three and five years olds would make very difficult.  It ended up just being my kiddo's and two other little guys, so they were perfectly content in just playing upstairs, so it all worked out.  

I kept decor and food pretty low key this year, again, the guest attendance was light, so it worked out perfectly.  Chick Fil A was the main course, of nuggets, a
nd chicken salad sandwich along with chips some fruit, and a Sam Club Cake.  It was actually nice because we hardly had any left overs, and I am pretty sure everyone had plenty to eat while they were here.

Graham made out like a bandit with lots of super hero themed gifts, which he has NOT stopped playing with.  He certainly plays with toys in a totally different way than his brother does. It's nice to see him sit with his figures and make them talk and just play.

We had a small gathering with his other besties on his actual birthday at Chuck E Cheese, where they were all in heaven because they got extra tickets if they dressed up in costumes.  That is right up his alley, wouldn't you say!?

We had his three year Dr. visit on Monday, where he weighed in at 27.5 pounds ( 20th percentile) and 37.5 Inches.  ( 60th percentile)  His Dr. also found what looked to him to be an inguinal hernia, so we have a meeting with a general surgeon on Wednesday afternoon for him to look at it to see if he needs surgery.  Fun times.  We are working hard on potty training, and it seems like he is finally getting it.  He stays dry at school, and has even been waking up at night dry.  Amazingly.  Dylan still doesn't even do that.  We've had a few accidents, but hey, I'm alright with that.  ( The Dr. said that he didn't need surgery yet, but if it actually presented as a hernia, we should consider it, but his opinion was to wait and see)

We moved him to his big bed probably about a month ago, and he is loving it.  He loves being able to get into just about any position that he wants, and not fall out.  His brother asks to sleep with him all the time, and the answer is always "No"  he likes his space, what can I say.

He and his brother, they are two peas in a pod.  They have a love/ hate relationship.  Hot and cold.  It just depends on what mood either one of them are in.  They are to the age they love making up games, Dylan loves " being the boss" and telling Graham what to do.  Lucky for Dylan 85% of the time, Graham goes with the flow!

 I can't wrap my head around him being three.  I remember so vividly his birth, and the process of getting there. This year he became a big brother, which he is superb at.  He is so hard headed, and stubborn, but so sweet at the same time.  He loves hard, plays hard, and has a hard head, seriously, we don't think he can feel pain in his head.  I'm not sure where we would be without our GrahamBam, GrammyRammy, Grambo, our middle child.  He always can bring a smile to our face. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tessa { 8 Months}

I'm running a bit behind.  Things have been crazy as you can imagine!  Tessa went and turned 8 months last week.  It makes me sad.  She will be one before we know it.  She will be walking, talking, playing, and have an attitude before we know it.  I'm excited to see what kind of a toddler she turns into.  I'm pretty sure she is going to be crazy like two other boys that live in this house.

This month was a pretty good one! Tessa is still sleeping through the night, and she figured out
rolling.  She can now roll from one side of the room to the next, she will get up on all fours, but she isn't anywhere close to actually crawling.  Thank Goodness.  She is still just a joy, and happy baby all around.

This month Tessa was also Baptized.  She did great, and even took a nap in Aunt Erin's arms during the service.  She only cried because we had to wake her up to take her to the front of the church.

She has also gotten to be a big girl.  She sat in her first shopping cart, she usually gets to sit in high chairs at restaurants now, and she sits in the stroller  like a big girl.  She also clocked lots of time in the baby backpack this month.  Halloween, the day after, and lots of days in between.  Lucky for me, she seems to like to snuggle, and we keep each other pretty warm in there.

She is really advancing with her eating of puffs, and she has even tried some other foods.  She has had mashed potatoes, chicken from lettuce wraps, some roll, and even a tiny crumb of cake at a birthday party.  I do enjoy just being able to sit her in the high chair and give her puffs to entertain her.  Most of them end up in her lap, but hey, she'll learn someday!

We go back to her GI next week to have her level's tested again, but I'm pretty confident that she is doing really well.  She is growing, and thriving.  She doesn't say much of anything, she is an observer like Graham, but she doesn't make much sound.  She is either silent, crying, or yelling.  I'm ok with that though to be honest.  If I learned anything with Dylan, it's that kiddo's all do things at their own pace, and eventually all catch up!:)

I'm looking forward to another month watching what Tessa learns and discovers. She is just such a fun age now, where she thinks I'm the most funny, awesome person she'll ever meet.  I need to cherish that, before she learns it's not true!

8 Month Stats

16.5-17 pounds ( my scientific measuring way)
6 month onesies
9month sleepers
sleeping 10-12 hours
4 bottles a day
1-2 meals and snacks