Devils are what come to mind when you hear Tasmania right? Well I learned on our trip, of which I only am about 2 months late on writing about, that Tasmanian devils are kind of like cute. Though they don't live very long lives, because they basically have this genetic face cancer that kills them all.
I wanted to get the boys a Tassie devil stuffy, so we of course had to visit the conservatory while we were there. This turned out to be quite an expensive little stop, but hey, they are trying to conserve the Devils right? They also had some roo's and wallaby's. Wallaby's are like squirrels in the sense that we saw lots of them dead on the side of the road. Believe it or not, Australian's are not big fans of kangaroo's. They are pests.
Back to the devils. We got there just in time to see a feeding, which was pretty gross. They are carnivores, and you could hear them crunching on the bones that were left. They will eat every part of an animal. The guide told us how a pack would burrow into a cow carcass and stay for days until it is all gone. I know, gross, but also fascinating. I mean, these little guys were not that large. The one that we got lots of pictures of had a snaggle tooth, which was pretty sweet looking.
They look like little bears, but from everything I remember from the guide telling us, you couldn't really want to come across one in the wild. They are pretty mean.
Luckily, the trip was a success in that they had the softest stuffed devils we had found! They also didn't cost an arm and a leg which was nice! Sadly, the wiskers are pretty pointy, so Dylan isn't a big fan of it yet! Oh well. One day!
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