Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You would think I'd be used to it by now.

I've never liked Dr's. I really have no reason to have never liked them. I'm a healthy person. I haven't ever even really gone to the Dr. until I got pregnant. I suffer from some serious white coat syndrome. But you would think, with all of the visits I've had since March, that I would be over it. Nope.

Today was my 36 week, yup only four more weeks, checkup. Once again my blood pressure was up. Not really that high, but higher than it usually is. Though, he isn't really worried about it, because I don't have any other signs of a problem. No swelling, no headaches, and overall, I feel fantastic. I've got some energy, and I'm gaining the right amount of weight. So, he'll keep an eye on it and we'll go from there. His advice, do as little as possible, rest, drink water, and put my feet up. I told him, ONLY if he insisted! haha.

Now that you have my medical information ( which I know you wanted) I'll say it again. ONLY FOUR MORE WEEKS.. at most, maybe less. Scary thought. Adam has been on me since Friday to pack our hospital bag, I just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe one of these day's. Other than that, he is still working, though he will be done next Thursday, which is good, because I've made plans for us to go and see New Moon, the Monday after it comes out. Which happens to be the same day as our massages:)

We finished all of our classes, we are now in the know about, Infant CPR and Safety, Baby Care and Breastfeeding ( which I know ALOT of now, a 3.5 hour class will do that to you) We have one last thing at the hospital on the 24th, which is just a car seat check, to make sure we have the base installed correctly. Apparently the area has a 99 % rate of having them in wrong. So it's probably a good idea that we do it, even though it looks REALLY easy. We'll see!

Until next time...


Preemie Donna said...

Wow four more weeks! They will fly by. Tell Adam not to freak about the bag I managed to do just fine for two days without one. Believe me anything you will need the hospital will have it if you go into labor before you get it packed. Short of a tooth brush and tooth paste carry that in your purse at all times you will want that after you have Dylan. Your mouth will be so dry and yukkie after only having ice chips.

The doTERRA Darling said...

I can't wait until you write a post about how you are cleaning out the fridge. Then I will know he is almost here :) Only a few more weeks, enjoy them! And I must also recommend the book Babywise to you. I feel like either people love it or hate it, but I swear by it. We had Paige sleeping through the night by six weeks every night. At three weeks she slept through the night for her first time. I will recommend it to everyone!