This year for my birthday, I asked Adam for one thing. He would not buy it for me though, he said it was " the lamest gift ever" I did not feel like it was. Turns out, I was right. I wanted a steam mop. Could I sound anymore " Betty Homemaker"? I know I know, I have said over and over again I don't like to clean. Unless it's fun! I love to vacuum, it's probably my favorite thing to do. No matter how messy my living room is, if I vacuum, I feel like it's clean
. Any who, I knew I wanted one, and I don't do anything half-assed if you will, so I started researching steam mops. I learned so many things. The most important one being, that the steam has to get to a certain temperature in order to actually sterilize the floor. Of course, that was the reason I wanted one. Dylan was still crawling at that point, and it was really gross to see how brown his socks got. Granted we have lived here for almost 2 years, and I don't think I had EVER mopped. Gross right? We have beige tile, it hides dirt well. With 3 dogs, a cat and a toddler I needed it to sanitize.
I'm sure you all are on the edge of your seats wondering if the one steam mop you've heard of, The Shark, will sterilize your floors. The answer is, NO. Apparently, according to my Internet research, the steam doesn't get hot enough. I ended up going with the Consumer Reports top pick for a cleaner. I chose the Eureka EnviroSteamer.
Thanks to a Amazon gift card from Laura, my sister in law, I purchased my steam cleaner. The best part?
It's not that expensive. It's only $65 on amazon. Now, I've only used this thing a few times, but I love it. It has these clothes that you use, which are machine washable, though I read not to dry them, and I'll tell you what, they are always really gross when I'm done with my floors. Granted, it does take some time to mop, you've got to go slow to make sure you're getting the floor nice and clean. But I don't have to scrub a thing. Got a spot? Just sit the steamer over it for a few extra seconds and it comes right off. I can do my whole kitchen on one tank of water, so refilling isn't that big of a deal! Overall, I'm super happy with my purchase, and I have no reason to have dirty floors.
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