Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mind consuming

Since finding out about kiddo #2, my brain has been consumed with nothing but nursery ideas. It's amazing, because as a second time mom, I should know that it isn't really all that important. I was the same way with Dylan though, I had to find the perfect bedding, paint colors, decor everything. It hurts my brain to think about it still.

Once finding out it was a boy, I was all set on colors and fabrics and furniture. Then Adam through me a curve ball. " Lets use the chair from Dylan's room, it's so comfy, we'll buy a new chair for his room since we don't use it much." It's a sad thing, but yes, my baby doesn't like to be rocked in his chair. He prefers to climb it! But anyway, off track. You see, the chair is RED. yes, what was I thinking? Red really threw a dent in my plains of green, orange and navy! So, we changed plans.

We are now doing gray, white and red. So of course, I bothered Adam with ideas for a week. I picked up 9 different grays to try out on the walls, and finally, on the 9th color found the perfect light gray, that isn't too light, or too dark. The perfect gray. It was hard I'll tell you. We hopefully we have the room painted in the next few weeks, so I'll post pictures along the way!!

Today, we are going to be purchasing new baby furniture, ordering baby bedding, and spending a nice day getting pedicures all the while, Dylan is spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa having a blast! I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Not a count down. The ratio of genders in my house come October. That's right. We found out Monday morning, we will be adding another Fenner lady killer into the world. Another boy!

I'll be honest. I'm a little scared. Having Dylan as a role model? I'm in trouble. I picture all the wrestling, holes in the drywall that will need to be repaired, bugs that are brought into my house. Though I still stand by, neither one of my boys will NEVER, I repeat never have a snake. They can have all the lizards and fuzzy animals they want, NO SNAKES.

The thought of having two little boys is exciting. Exhausting to think about but exciting. I just hope that I can keep up with them. Hey, they say boys are Momma's boys right?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bouncing Baby boy

No. No. Not kidlet #2. We still don't know what they are. I'm talking about Dylan. Anyone who has ever had a kid knows that usually the term "bouncing baby boy/ girl " is associated. But who knew that I would actually get a bouncing baby boy? I mean, Dylan has always loved to bounce. From the time I purchased his jumperoo until, well now. The kid needs a trampoline people. Is he too young still? It would really give Adam and my arms a break. Then, I suppose, I wouldn't get any arm exercise!

Since we moved here, I've seen the store front in kinda of a dilapidated strip shopping center that is titled, PUMP IT UP Jr. Well after further investigation, I just KNEW I needed to go. It's a building with nothing but blow up houses in it. But, I needed Dylan to turn one. He did. I needed Dylan to walk. He did. I needed to not be lazy. I did.

Last week we ventured the 5 minuet drive to pump it up. Let me tell you. It was the BEST $6 I have every spent on Dylan. He had such a great time. It was nice in the beginning because there weren't too many kids there, but by the end I would say it was pretty crowded. Yesterday, I met with a few women in a Mom's group at a Bounce U. It is the same thing but bigger. I actually preferred Pump it Up, because I feel like it was better for the smaller kids. In a couple of months, Bounce U will probably be better, but right now PIU is better for him.

It is something I will keep doing, because you know what? He has a lot of energy, and I liked that he took a really good nap when we got home!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

picture post

So, I promised a few pictures, here is what I have. There are a few i want to share but they need to be edited a little. I don't have time for that right now, so maybe you'll get to see those later!:)

Checking out his eggs with Daddy.

putting his find in the basket!

Playing in the water at the arboretum with Grandma!

Checking out some flowers

I was disturbing his TV watching.

For whatever reason, Blogger uploaded these backwards, sorry!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Menu

I actually put this menu together like mid week last week! I'm very proud of myself.

Monday- Adam is out for the evening, so I'm not sure what I'll have. Maybe leftovers.

Thursday- Honey Lime Chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice, and guacamole

Friday- Meatball Sandwich Casserole, Green Beans, and salad

Saturday- Mustard Molasses Flank steak, grilled mixed veggies

Sunday- Probably left overs to clean out of next week!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tales from the bed

Mind's out of the gutter folks. There will be no "Too Much Info" stories going on here. Actually, these are stories about Adam. I can't remember the last time there was a post about Adam, but I thought this was too funny not to share.

Everyone knows about sleep walking, and talking. But have you even actually experienced it? Thank goodness Adam doesn't sleep walk, that would freak me out. He does sleep talk, or giggle rather. There have been many nights when I'm woken up to him just giggling. I quickly figure out he is asleep, when i look at the clock and it's 2 o'clock. I will, just to humor myself, ask him sometimes what is so funny, but he rarely answers me. Sad. A few weeks ago we had an "incident" which has spurred me to write this post.

See, I hadn't ever really experienced a conversation with him in his sleep until we moved into this house. The first one I can really remember went something like this.

Standing on the bed, looking out the window above it...." Do you see them?"
See WHO?
Do you see them?
freaking out at this point because it's the middle of the night... SEE WHO?
The aliens?

Good Lord, he is asleep during this. Freaking me out. You see, MOST of Adam's dreams are about the world coming to an end unless he can fight off all the aliens, monsters, or whatever else is going to kill him. The VAST majority of his dreams are scenarios like this.

The most recent episode, that is appropriate to share on this blog, was a couple of weeks ago. I was woken up by a shaking of the bed. I rolled over to find Adam sitting up, waving his hand in the air. I thought he was pointing at the monitor, which he wasn't. It went something like this.

"What are you doing?"
"HIGH FIVE!!!!!!
"High five for what?"
"High five for solar panels!"
"Are you going to remember this in the morning?"
"Ok, so I'll be mad at you in the morning then."

Then we rolled back over and went to sleep. He vaguely remember this encounter the next morning. They are great, because I , for the most part can go back to sleep pretty quickly, so it doesn't really bother me, and I can make fun of him the next morning!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Menu

This week we will be having....

Monday: Pork Snitzel with a mushroom sauce, and whatever veggies I find!

Tuesday: Adam is on his own, I'm going to be out.

Wednesday:Roasted Chicken with Herb waffles, Grilled veggies

Thursday: Greek Lasagna, green beans

Friday :Sliders of different varierties, sweet potato fries

Friday, May 6, 2011


CONGRATS to Alex!!! Through a very scientific way of picking, asking a friend via google chat in New York to pick a number, you are our winner! I hope to have the warmer and your scents, in the mail to you by Tuesday! But no promises!:)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It has been brought to my attention that some of my lovely readers would like an update on kiddo #2, as well as Dylan! I scrolled through the last several posts and there wasn't one picture to be had. SAD. I'll be honest though, I havn't picked up my camera in a while. I think it's just becuase Dylan is all over the place, I focus on keeping him from putting things in the toilet, unrolling all the toilet paper, or throwing my phone down the stairs!

So, I always knew the second pregnancy would be differnt, but I'll tell you what, I CANNOT beleive I am almost 18 weeks pregnant. I really would have no idea I was pregnant, other than the fact I'm huge, and occassionally getting kicked in the bladder.:) Adam and I completed our "nursery renovation" of sorts this weekend(post on that later) I have a little over 3 weeks until we find out if Dylan will have a brother or sister, and let me tell you what, it's going to be a LONG 3 weeks! So, with Dylan, I started taking 'belly shots' at like 8 weeks. Well, I finally got one the other night at 17 weeks. I am going to compare it to my I beleive 25 week picture with Dylan! You definatly show quicker, and bigger with the second!

Dylan, wow what can I say? HE IS A WILD CHILD. He will NOT sit still, he is into everything. He spends a good portion of his day naked from the waist down. He can run now, so what does he do when he see's a diaper? RUNS. He thinks it is hilarious, and I generally don't really care. When he pee's we've gotten lucky and he has been standing on the tile! Can you beleive that he is 17 months old now? He has all 4 molars, and he is wild. That's all I can say. We went to storytime yesterday at the library, he was the only kiddo who wouldn't sit in his momma's lap.

So, I am so far behind, I haven't put up Easter pictures. We missed actual easter, but luckily our niehgborhood had an egg hunt the weekend before. He was a good egg hunter, he got 4 eggs. I wasn't one of the many women who grabbed eggs from other kids so taht my kid could have a basket full of candy he couldn't eat anyway!

I promise I will do a picture post in the next few days. I've got a few to share!:)

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's time!

Alright, so I'm going to attempt my first giveaway! This is not being sponsored by anyone, I just really like this product, and I think my readers will as well!

I'm sure everyone has heard of Scentsy. I know I had read a lot about it, and with a toddler, it seemed like a great idea. One problem, I couldn't bring myself to pay at least $45, on getting started. I also don't really like picking scents without being able to smell them! So, I started doing some research, if you haven't figured it out yet, I do lots of research, and I found that Wal-mart offered a "knock-off" if you will. The warmers are $15, less than half of what a large Scentsy warmer is, and the scents are $2, which is also less than half. I AM IN LOVE. They make my house smell incredible, just like my Bath and Body Works candles.

So what I am going to give away is ONE WARMER( hopefully this one), and TWO DIFFERENT scents.

To enter: Become a follower,MUST be a follower to win, this is my attempt to see who all reads my blog;), and leave a comment on what your favorite candle smells are. Giveaway will end Thursday at NOON. I think you will be happy with this if you win! Tell your friends!