Graham still doesn't have any words. I mean, I guess "mama," he yells it when I leave the room sometimes. But it certainly isn't on command nor is is frequent. His favorite word, is "bop" I still have no idea what it is, could be up, or ball, or bye bye, who knows!:) He babbles a lot though which is better than Dylan ever was. He is trying to say bye bye, because Dylan loves to say it, and says it all the time now. He will give great high fives, and claps all the time, but still no waving. Though, just like with Dylan, I don't wave to him hardly at all, because it seems silly, so when I think about it I will. He just laughs and thinks is funny. He has really started to like pointing. If we are reading a book, then he will point to things and I'll tell him what they are. He also shakes his head "no" Though often he doesn't mean no, he just thinks it's funny!:) Silly boy!
Graham gained two more teeth this month as well. His two top front teeth. A grand total of six now. And in the exact order of Dylan. Crazy right?
We have been working lately on being gentle or soft. He tends to throw things at his bestie Caleb, and well, Caleb does NOT think it is funny. So hopefully, I can get Graham away from his bullying ways!:)
Graham is still sleeping really well. He does great with just one nap a day if we are out and about in the morning, but I try to keep that in there as much as possible so that he won't drop it completely. I still like to have that time with Dylan alone if Graham will take a morning nap. I'm looking into a blackout arch shade for his room. I think he would sleep in a little later if it were darker in his room. At his grandparents he sleeps until like 9! I want that at our house!:)
In the next few weeks, I will be gearing up for his birthday party. I have invitations in my possession, just need to send them out, I've ordered his shirt, a custom bib for eating cake, put a deposit down on the cake, and ordered some supplies. I have the menu planned and everything in my head. The next Graham month post will include pictures of his big day! Oh my!
11 Months Stats:
20ish pounds
31ish inches
12 Month onsies
12 month sleepers
4 8 oz bottles plus three meals
sleeping great, 2 naps
sleeping great, 2 naps
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