Monday, September 23, 2013


I have found a fall find, that if you have access to, I urge you to try.  In Murphy we have a Starbucks of course, but we also have a Saxby's.  The other day Adam had the boys at the park, and I was out running second birthday (eek) errands, and I stopped at Saxby's because it was more convenient.  I ordered a pumpkin pie chia.  I am telling you people, I'm not sure I will ever get a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks again.  It was SOOO good.  I'm not a coffee or tea drinker on a regular basis, but man, I've been craving this since I got it.  I'm sure I'll be back.  Luckily they have a frequent buyer card so at least I'll get a free drink at the end of the season!;)

So if you have a Saxby's nearby or know where one is, stop and try a Pumpkin Pie Chia, or a Latte, I bet you won't regret it!:)

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