I pulled this from The Pettijohn's!!!
What are your middle names? Adam's is Kyle and mine is Elaine
How long have you been together? 8 year:) Married for a little under two!!!
How long did you know each other before you started dating? Well, it depends on what your definition of knowing someone is. We met probably for the first time in the 4th grade. We played soccer for the same club team, and one of his neighbors was on my team!
Who asked who out? Um, I guess in high school, you don't " date" per say, but he asked me out!
How old were each of you when you met? Again, it depends. We starting " going out" when I was 15, and he was 16!!
How old are each of you now? Adam is 24, and I turn 24 on Monday!
How tall are each of you? I am 5'2" and Adam is 5'11".
Whose siblings do you see the most? Adam's, she lives in NYC, and comes to visit, and vice versa!
Do you have any children together? Nope.
What about pets? 3, two dogs, Louie and Bailey, and a cat, Siren
Did you go to the same school? High School, College nope, but I lived in his college town and commuted!
Are you from the same hometown? Yup!!!
Who is the smartest? He is, though he tends to forget things alot. But I don't!:)
Who is the most sensitive? I am, isn't it always the girl?
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Um, no where in particular. Since this is our last semester here, we've decided to take advantage of the amazing Philly food scene. We're been to a few places a couple of time. Mercato is a BYO that he took me too last year for my birthday, it's YUMMY so we have been back!
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? I'm not good with Geography, but I would say either, Germany, France, or Spain. Whichever is furthest away!
Who does the cooking? Both of us. I enjoy baking more, but I do cook. We try to cook together every night. It's what we do!
Who is more social? I wouldn't say either one of us is a social butterfly. We both enjoy staying at home whenever possible. We like each others company, and a good movie and wine!:)
Who is the neat-freak? Gosh, I wish one of us was. Our house would be much tightier!
Who hogs the bed? Um, the furbabies. It's sad, we move around them, as to not disturbe them!
Who wakes up earlier? I do, I am not really a morning person, but once I'm up, I'm alright!
Who has the bigger family? Adam.
How do you spend the holidays? It depends, hopefully since we plan on moving back to Dallas it won't be an issue anymore!:)
Who is more jealous? I guess me?
Do you have little pet names for each other? We very rarely call each other by our names. If we do it just sounds weird. Mostly it's " Honey" but recently I've been calling him Muffin! Weird I know!
How long did it take to get serious? Um, we were in high school. I knew if we made it through our Freshman year of college we would get married!
Who eats more? Adam for sure, he doesn't gain a pound either... one of these days!
Who sings better? Um, neither, our kids are doomed to be tone deaf!
Who’s older? He is, but only by 2 months!
Who does the dishes? IF we do the dishes, usually it's a team effort!
Who snores? The Dog!
Who’s better with the computer? It depends on what is going on. He's better at programs, I'm better at searching for information.
Who drives when you are together? um... I really have no idea. We are usually always in my car, but it depends on where we are going who drives!
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? I'm pretty stubborn, but I usually cave first, because it's usually my fault.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first, sitting upstairs at his house watching Malcolm in the Middle, after everyone else went home!
Who eats more sweets? Oh that is a toss up!! We both have sweet tooth's? sweet teeth?
I haven't watched a video, but per reading a website passed on to me, the "plot" is revealed and I am totally shocked!! There is no way anyone would see this coming...
It may be the same guy...
sounds like it.
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