Tuesday, August 25, 2009

" The Perfect Pregnancy"


This is what my Dr. told me last week.  I have the perfect pregnancy, keep it up!  Well, I do have to brag on my baby today, even though he isn't on the outside world yet.  He really has let me have a PERFECT pregnancy.. let me put it in bulletins...

~ No morning sickness what-so-ever... and man I hope that is the same with all my other babies!:)

~ No food aversions or cravings... Adam and I have discussed that since I don't really have " cravings per se, that they don't exist.  Pregnant people just make them up, because that's what they read about!;)  Not to say that I don't have the " I see" diet, if I'm watching food network, which I do ALL THE TIME.. and I see something on there that looks good, I want it, but I would not make Adam leave in the middle of the night for anything, nor WOULD he leave the house to get me anything!

~I have had no symptoms.  No heartburn, no headaches, I was tired, but no more than usual, I feel great actually, I TRULY LOVE being pregnant. It's amazing to think about what Adam and I created, and I love that Adam gets such a smile on his face when he feels him!

~ He lets us find out that he was a boy about a month earlier than most Dr. will even bother looking!

~ He lets me sleep.  He kicks me in the morning when I wake up, and in the evening while watching TV. Non of this waking me up in the middle of the night with feet to the ribs.  Thank you Dylan, I've really appreciate my 10 + hours of sleep every night!

Now, here is where it got a little tricky. If you might remember, I failed my one hour glucose test and had to take the three hour.  That could have been a little " hiccup" in the perfect pregnancy since, well it would put me into the " high risk" category, but we successfully passed that, though my Dr. wants me to watch my carbs!!!

Another down side, is we seem to have started needing two bathroom breaks during the night.  luckily, it's a straight shot to the bathroom and I don't even have to open my eyes!:)


Lacey said...

Pretty sure that is insane and I would endure the opposite...that is if I ever decide to, umm, have babies :)

Keep up the good work!

The Fenner's said...

yeah, I've been very lucky, the majority of people don't have that luck... I'm hoping for other babies, it's the same way!:)

This Crafty Mom said...

you have to also think of the flip side of that, there is an old wives tale that says perfect pregnancy means hard delevery and rough first 9 months... not to suggest that will happen, but I pray you luck out on all of it... no woman deserves that...

I have rough pregnancies but good births/babies afterward! (i am very jealous of you... i have had it all...)

Keep up the good work...

The Fenner's said...

yes, but I have not found on old wives tale that is true yet...:) And boys are supposed to be easier than girls, so we'll see!

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

that's awesome! Hope it stays that way the remainder of your pregnancy!!