Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hop Hop

The Easter Bunny had to prepare his visit a little earlier than usual.  He is going to be out of town until Saturday afternoon.  Needless to say, I'm very proud of myself this year for being done in advance.  Though like I said, it was a necessity. 

Doing the boys baskets was pretty fun this year.  I had a good time last year, but this year I got to get them each stuff that is for them.  Granted, some of the things I did are obviously for both of them.  I try to not be the kind of mom who buys two of everything, I don't want my kids being thirty and demanding they each get their own.  They need to learn to share and play together!  Of course, if I bought two of everything, I'd probably hear a lot less" Mama, bubba took my, _____" anyway.  Most of their stuff came out of the dollar bins, though I did "Spring" for some more fun stuff.

Let me preface by saying, a few weekends ago, Adam and I finally bought them a swing set that will be delivered and set up on Monday.  So I didn't want to go too overboard.  But I do remember getting baskets every year from my parents, so it's a tradition I would like to keep.  Now I just have to figure out a way to do an egg hunt at home between, them waking up late, and having to rush to church, then brunch, then naps.  Who knows. 

Dylan's Basket:
 Fox and the Hound 1 & 2 - (He is super into movies right now)
Dinosaur Dr. Seuss book
Mickey water color book
large chocolate dinosaur egg from Tasmania
little bottle of bubble bath
plastic rake
rubber ducky and some new bath squirters that were split between them
 new tooth brush
In the eggs are some socks
a magnifying glass
Not pictured ( Go Diego Go Wii game)

Graham's Basket
Where are Baby's Easter Eggs ( the flap books are his favorite)
Two other Easter Books ( Reading is this kids favorite past time
new tooth brush
plastic watering can
Rubber Ducky
Some bath fizz tablets
Inside the eggs, some socks, and a little bag of M&M's
Bath squirters
 I think they turned out pretty cute this year, and I know that Dylan will love looking through everything, and pulling it all out, I know for a fact Graham will, because he did when I was taking pictures of them!:)

I even did a basket for Adam this year.  I used to do one every year in high school and college, then I just stopped, but in the off chance he looks at this before Easter, I won't be posting it!:)
Do you have your baskets done this year?  Or need ideas?  Hop on over to The Good Life Blog's "Easter Basket Blog Hop"


A Wedding Story said...

I love the boys' baskets! Great idea with the bath squirters. Are they from PBK? I've had my eye on some animal squirters from there and feel like I may need to add those last minute to the basket.

Happy Easter!

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

Fun baskets!:)

Sarah said...

Hi Lindsey! Just wanted to let you know that I'm hosting an Easter Basket link party today and I hope you'll link this up! Would love to send more readers your way. :)

Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

such cute baskets!

The Links said...

You did a great job on your Easter Basket this year. I wish I would have known about this link up and I would have linked up too!!